Events, results etc. - Tadeusz Ciecierski, website of

Tadeusz Ciecierski
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
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Events, results etc.

SEAO Project
(Past) conference (and other) talks:

University of Split (23-24 March 2019), Utterances, subutterances and token-reflexivity & Demonstrating procedures (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
61 Tydzień Filozoficny KUL (Lublin, 8-11 April 2019), Wypowiedzi (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
Philang 2019 (Łódź, 10-12th of May 2019), Formalizing Token-reflexivity and Utterance-reflexivity (Piotr Wilkin)
Philang 2019 (Łódź, 10-12th of May 2019), Utterances (Tadeusz Ciecierski & Paweł Grabarczyk)
Fourth Belgrade Graduate Conference in Philosophy (Belgrade, 10-12th of May 2019), Treating Demonstrations as Features of Contexts. What Can We Gain and Should We Be Scared of Their Ambiguity (Jakub Rudnicki)
Metaphysics 2019 (Dubrovnik, 2-7 June 2019), Utterances (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
XV Zlot Filozoficzny (Kraków, 28-30 of June), Reconciling Intentionalism and Conventionalism about Demonstratives (Jakub Rudnicki)
XV Zlot Filozoficzny (Kraków, 28-30 of June), From distribution to hybridity (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
XI Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny (Lublin, 9-14 of September), Wskazania jako działania (Piotr Makowski & Tadeusz Ciecierski)
XI Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny (Lublin, 9-14 of September), Wyrażenia egzemplarzowo-zwrotne. Formalizacja w stylu Montague (Piotr Wilkin)
14th World Congress of Semiotics (Buenos Aires, September 9-13), Intentional token-reflexivism  (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 2019 (Warsaw, September 20-22), Demonstrations as actions (Tadeusz Ciecierski & Piotr Makowski)
Context 2019 (Trento, November 20-22), Hybrid expressions (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (Utrecht/Online, August 17-28 2020), Demonstrations as actions (Tadeusz Ciecierski & Piotr Makowski)
Philang 2021, May 14-16 2021, Actions, Products, Demonstration (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
Philang 2021, May 14-16 2021, Relativist Semantics for Demonstratives (Jakub Rudnicki)
Philang 2021, May 14-16 2021, Demonstratives from the perspective of multidimensional semantics (Dominik Dziedzic)
Workshop on Context: Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition, June 20-21 2021, Adding Context to Directival Theory of Meaning (Tadeusz Ciecierski & Paweł Grabarczyk)
Workshop on Context: Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition, June 20-21 2021, Truth Conditions, Use Conditions and Demonstratives: an Experimental Study (Dominik Dziedzic)
2021 AAP Conference, July 6-8 July 2021, Actions, Products, Demonstration (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
2021 AAP Conference, July 6-8 July 2021, Is Meaning of Demonstratives an  Unidimensional Construct? Experimental Investigation (Dominik Dziedzic)
Znak-Język-Rzeczywistość, 15 X 2021, Actions, products, demonstrations (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
Alef Seminar, 17 XII 2021, Demonstrations as products and demonstrations as actions (Tadeusz Ciecierski), 17.00, CET (online)
Seminarul Departamentului de Filosofie Teoretica UniBuc, 21 III 2022, Demonstrative uses (Tadeusz Ciecierski), 19.00, CET (online)
Indexicals and Demonstratives I, 6-7 IV 2022, Are Demonstrations Conventional Components of Demonstratives? (Jakub Rudnicki)
Indexicals and Demonstratives I, 6-7 IV 2022, Reference of Demonstratives Naturalized: Findings from an Experiment (Dominik Dziedzic)
Indexicals and Demonstratives I, 6-7 IV 2022, Demonstrative uses (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
TELS 2022: Times, Events and Logical Specification, Olomouc, 19-21 V 2022, Temporal prefixes (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
Indexicals and Demonstratives II, 30 VI- 1 VII 2022, University of Warsaw, Unrestricted Intentionalism in the Light of the Lying-Misleading Distinction (Jakub Rudnicki)
Indexicals and Demonstratives II, 30 VI- 1 VII 2022, University of Warsaw, Temporal prefixes (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
96th Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, Open Session, St. Andrews, 7-10 June 2022. In two weeks I will be here (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
15th World Congress of Semiotics, 30 VIII - 3 IX 2022, Thessaloniki, Demonstrations as semiotic actions (Tadeusz Ciecierski, Paweł Grabarczyk, Piotr Makowski)
15th World Congress of Semiotics, 30 VIII - 3 IX 2022, Thessaloniki, Reference of Demonstratives From the Perspective of Analytic/Synthetic Distinction (Dominik Dziedzic)
6th Philosophy of Language and Mind Conference, 15-17 IX 2022, University of Warsaw, Not so simple rule for 'I' (Tadeusz Ciecierski & Jakub Rudnicki)
3rd Context Cognition and Communication Conference, 19-22 IX 2022, University of Warsaw, Temporal prefixes (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
Realism: Epistemological Foundations and Metaphysical Consequences (Kazimierz Dolny, 26-28 October 2022), Indexicality and Realism, (Tadeusz Ciecierski)
10th Congress of Spanish Society of Analytic Philosophy (Santiago de Compostela, 13-16 December 2022), Demonstrations as semiotic actions (Tadeusz Ciecierski & Piotr Makowski)
Indexicals and Demonstratives III, 12-13 I 2023, University of Warsaw, In Search of the Third Way: Probability Distributions as Semantic Values of Proper Names (Jakub Rudnicki)
Indexicals and Demonstratives III, 12-13 I 2023, University of Warsaw, Indexicality and Realism (Tadeusz Ciecierski)


Tadeusz Ciecierski, Jakub Rudnicki, Not so Simple Rule for 'I', Philosopical Quarterly (forthcoming)
Tadeusz Ciecierski, Actions, Products, Demonstrations, Organon F (forthcoming)
Tadeusz Ciecierski, A Note on the Demonstrative Uses of Indexicals, Logique et Analyse (forthcoming)
Tadeusz Ciecierski, Paweł Grabarczyk, Directives and Context, Argumenta 8, 1, 35-53.
Tadeusz Ciecierski, Piotr Makowski, Demonstrations as Actions, Synthese (forthcoming)
Jakub Rudnicki, Speaker’s Intentions, Ambiguous Demonstrations, and Relativist Semantics for Demonstratives, Philosophia  (2022).
Tadeusz Ciecierski, Gregory Bochner 'Naming and Indexicality' (review), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews,  2022. 05. 05
Tadeusz Ciecierski, Hybrid Expressions, [in:] G. Bella, P. Bouquet (eds) Modeling and Using Context, LNAI, Springer, s. 51-61.           
Jakub Rudnicki, Centred Propositions, What is Asserted, and Communication, Theoria,
Jakub Rudnicki, The Liar, Contextualism and the Stalnakerian View of Context, Studia Semiotyczne 33(1): 49-57, DOI: 10.26333/sts.xxxiii1.0
Tadeusz Ciecierski, Utterances, Sub‐utterances and Token‐Reflexivity, Theoria 86(4): 439-462, 2020. DOI:

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