Publications/Publikacje - Tadeusz Ciecierski, website of

Tadeusz Ciecierski
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
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Context Dependence in Language, Action, and Cognition, with Paweł Grabarczyk (eds), Epistemic Studies 46, De Gruyter,, 2021.

The Architecture of Context and Context-Sensitivity, with Paweł Grabarczyk (eds), Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 103, Springer, 10.1007/978-3-030-34485-6, 2020.

Zależność kontekstowa. Wprowadzenie do problematyki [Context-dependence: an introduction], BOBF, Warszawa 2011 [książka w wersji elektonicznej - do pobrania w  całości]

PAPERS IN ENGLISH (selection/wybór):

Actions, Products, Demonstrations, Organon F  30(1): 102-126, 2023. DOI:

Not-So-Simple Rule for 'I' (with Jakub Rudnicki), Philosophical Quarterly 74(3): 1100-1119, 2023, DOI:

A Note on the Demonstrative Uses of Indexicals, Logique et Analyse 258: 151-166, 2022, DOI: 10.2143/LEA.258.0.3291674

Directives and Context (with Paweł Grbarczyk), Argumenta 8, 1, 35-53, 2022. DOI: 10.14275/2465-2334/202200.cie

Demonstrations as Actions
(with Piotr Makowski), Synthese 200: 467, DOI:

Propositional Contents [in:] Philosophical Approaches to Language and Communication (eds Stalmaszczyk & Hinton), Peter Lang 2022, pp. 15-48

Gregory Bochner 'Naming and Indexicality' (review), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews,  2022. 05. 05

Indexicality, meaning, use, Semiotica 238: 73-89, 2021. DOI:

Utterances, Sub‐utterances and Token‐Reflexivity Theoria 86(4): 439-462, 2020. DOI:
An Approach to Indexical Beliefs Organon F 27(3), pp. 346–376, 2020. DOI:

Introduction: Individual Concepts in, Language and Thought (with Paweł Grabarczyk), Topoi 39, pp. 349-356, 2020. DOI:

Hybrid Expressions, [in:] G. Bella, P. Bouquet (eds) Modeling and Using Context, LNAI, Springer, s. 51-61. (2019). DOI:

Reflective Meta-attitudes and (In)Compatibilism [in:] Philosophical Insights into Pragmatics (ed. Stalmaszczyk), de Gruyter, Berlin & Boston, 2019, pp. 251-266 DOI: 10.1515/9783110628937-012    

A Note on Belief Reports and Context-Dependence, Acta Analytica, 32(4), 2017, pp. 447-464, DOI: 10.1007/s12136-017-0320-9                  
Attitudes and Normativity, Axiomathes 27(3), 2017, pp. 265-283, DOI: 10.1007/s10516-016-9302-6   

Linguistic Criteria of Intentionality, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 46, 2016,  pp. 35-58, DOI 10.1515/slgr-2016-0032              

A Problem with Structured Propositions, [in:] Stalmaszczyk (ed.) Philosophical and Formal Approaches to Linguistic Analysis, Ontos 2011

The Multiple-Proposition Approach Reconsidered, Logique et Analyse; vol. 52(208), 2009, 423-440.

Sidestepping  the  Holes  of  Holism  (with  Piotr  Wilkin),  [in:]  Volker  A.  Munz,   Klaus   Puhl,   Joseph   Wang   (eds.)   Language    and    World. Preproceedings of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium, 2009,  84-86.


Argument Sticha a przyczynowe teorie nazw [Stich’s Argument and Causal Theories of Names] (z Katarzyną Kuś), Przegląd Filozoficzny, 3(75) 2010, 35-52  

Garetha Evansa argument przeciwko referencyjnemu charakterowi deskrypcji [Gareth Evans’ Argument against the Referential Status of Definite Descriptions], [w:] Biblioteka Myśli Semiotycznej, tom 51: Deskrypcje i prawda, Jerzy Pelc (red.); Warszawa 2010, 93-108.

Dlaczego logik modalny nie musi przejmować się argumentem Quine’a? [Why the Modal Logician Need Not Worry About the Quine's Argument?] (z Piotrem Wilkinem), Przegląd Filozoficzny, 4(68) 2008, 303-318.

O pojęciu sądu logicznego [Concerning the notion of proposition]; Przegląd Filozoficzny, 4(48) 2003, 125-144.

Leibniz o konieczności, możliwości i wolnej woli [Leibniz on Necessity, Possibility and Free Will]; Przegląd Filozoficzny, 1(45) 2003, 135-142.

Pragmatyka Roberta Stalnakera [Robert Stalnaker’s Pragmatics]; Przegląd Filozoficzny, 3(39) 2001, 158-174.


Ukazały się ostatnio/Recently published:

Special Issue of Semiotica devoted to Jerzy Pelc - LINK
(with Paweł Grabarczyk), Special Issue of Theoria: 'Contexts, Concepts and Communication'- LINK
(with Paweł Grabarczyk), Special Issue of Axiomathes: 'Foundational Issues in Semantics and Pragmatics'- LINK
(with Paweł Grabarczyk), Special Issue of Topoi: 'Individual Concepts in Language and Thought'- LINK
(with Paweł Grabarczyk) Special Issue of Studia Semiotyczne,  XXXI/1, 2019 - LINK
(with Tomasz Pyczyłowski) Special Issue of Studia Semiotyczne,  XXX/2, 2016 - LINK

REFEREE FOR: Acta Analytica, Axiomathes, Croatian Journal of Philosophy, Diametros, Discipline Filosofiche, Erkenntnis, Filozofia Nauki, Folia Philosophica, Journal of Semantics, NPRH, Open Philosophy, Organon F, Philosophical Explorations, Philosophical Papers, Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Polonica, Prologomena, Roczniki Filozoficzne, Studia Semiotyczne, SASPRO, Swiss National Science Foundation, Synthese, Theoria.

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